
GET ImplaStation for FREE

For Windows x64
64 Bit Version

For MacOS X
MacOS 12.0 and higher

Impla Station beta

For Windows x64
64 Bit Version

Impla Station beta

For MacOS X
MacOS 12.0 and higher

During the registration process, kindly avoid using email addresses on rambler.ru, mail.ru, or yandex.ru.These domains may not accept the registration keys.

GET Previous ImplaStation Versions for FREE

For Windows x64
64 Bit Old Version

For Windows x64
64 Bit Version beta

For MacOS X
MacOS 10.12 and higher

For MacOS X
MacOS 10.12 and higher beta



298 MB

DEMO case impression scan STL

8 MB

TECH Support

Diagnostic Tool

If some problems arise when istalling the software on your PC - please download and run this diagnostic tool. Include the results in your request to technical support

TeamViewer for Implastation

Recommended System Requirements

  • OS:
  • CPU:
  • RAM:
  • Video Card:
  • Monitor:
  • Windows 10 64bit, MacOS 10.12 and older
  • Intel Core i5
  • 8 Gb
  • dedicated Nvidia card, 2 Gb Ram
  • Full HD 1920 x 1080