How Is The ImplaStation Software Useful For The Implantologists, Orthopedists And Dental Technicians, And What Its Distinguishes From The Competitors

The first distinctive moment – the program can be installed and used for free!

Some functions require payment, but:

– viewing of CT and optical scanning data;
– DICOM to STL conversion;
– STL to OBJ сonversion;
– planning of implantation;
– saving and exchange of projects – all of this is free of charge.

Modern requirements to the level of work often demand a team approach – to cooperate closely and share full information between all team members – an implantologist, orthopedist and dental technician.

We wanted to create a software product that would be convenient for all participants in the planning and production of the implants and prosthetics. Do you agree, it is not very convenient when the implantologist looks at CT in one program, plans in another program, the technician works in the third one, and the orthopedist generally finds himself confronted about the fact and have to wriggle out as best he can.

The problem in such cases is in the absence of a single environment in which all the information is stored, planning and decisions are made. The main reason for the lack of a all-in-one software tool for the team is the high cost and complexity of the application.

We made ImplaStation free of charge so that all members of the team could easily join the planning process. The installation process takes several minutes! You can easily ask for advice from several colleagues by sending them a 3D project, and give them the opportunity to see and change the size and position of any elements of the project – implants, abutments, crowns, etc.

The technician can save the doctor’s time by preparing a preliminary project: combining DICOM and stl, making virtual set-up of missing crowns, marking the inferior dental canal.

The implantologist can arrange implants in the first approximation, in accordance with the idea of ​​prostetic driven implantation.

The orthopedist can approve or correct, together with the implantologist and technician, the implant position for the subsequent optimal orthopedic design implementation.

Using a visual 3D-rendering, the project can be preliminary coordinated with the patient, at the same time it’s demonstrating the level of work and technological equipment of the clinic.

Plan your work accurately with ImplaStation!