Full-Arch Re-Treatment: Applying Hybrid Implant Configurations for Optimal Outcomes

Full-arch Re-treatment cases are often complex because they require a thorough evaluation of both the remaining bone proposition and potential restorative efficiency of the previously placed implants.

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In cases where it is possible to preserve an integrated implant without compromising the prosthetic prognosis we will towards a partial ex-plantation and will connect 1 or 2 functional implants into the future full-arch, which is nowadays made easy by utilising digital technology and re-creating the implant position in the project.


In this clinical case, for example, the patient was referred with implants having being placed 6 months prior and after evaluation we decided to re-do the full-arch completely from scratch due to the implants being partially exposed already in the gingival and bone as well as not having optimal restorative positions.

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Due to severe sinus pneumatization and bone loss after implant removal we opted for a hybrid-zygomatic (zone 2) configuration with a combination of two pterygoids in the posterior (zone 3) as well as a M-point and Vomer implant in the anterior region (zone 1) for optimal AP-spread. Final restoration delivered in 4 months.

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Case by Dr.Mamym Prytula