We present you one more case with a full adentia, which demonstrates the technique of creating an X-ray contrast guide for working with toothless jaws.

A removable prosthesis was used as an X-ray contrast guide.
There was performed a relocation of the prosthesis with a correcting silicone impression mass , with addition of the X-ray contrast substance.

The photo 2 shows how the X-ray contrast silicone mass is wound up in the gingival part of the prosthesis.

Demonstrates how this technique makes combination of the contour of the prosthesis with the contour of the X-ray contrast mass on the CT easy and accurately. This precisely and reliably determines the contour of the oral mucosa, which is transparent to X-rays and is not identified on CT.

The project is planned in the ImplaStation software.

B & B implants were used, the guide was printed on the Formlabs printer.