Superimposition of CT and optical scan data of the model or impression is one of the stages of surgical guides planning.

For those who don’t have access to an optical scanner, there is a dual scan technology in CT when the impression is scanned in a CT too.

However, the use of an optical scanner is one of the phases of error control in similar information. Since the same patient is scanned, the scans must eventually coincide. This will happen in the case the tomograph and scanner are properly calibrated, CT and impression were obtained in accordance with all known rules.

Differences in the data is the reason to look for an error source.

Recently such situation occurred: the CT “images” along the X axis by 6% more than the optical scan data.

In the picture, the red contour is the optical scan, the yellow is the optical scan increased by 6% along the X axis (for the purpose of experiment).

Such situations are rare, but the consequences can be very regrettable – imagine only the amount of patients that may suffer because of the errors in CT data!

The technology of computer implant planning with surgical guides helps to eliminate errors at this stage!

In this case were used ImplaStation software, Medit Identica Blue scanner and we’ll not mention the model of CT…

Successful treatment! It is possible to insure yourself against mistakes.