Immediate loading implantation has many advantages for the patient. Definitions of immediate loading range from installing a prosthetic structure within 48 hours after implant placement to installing a prosthetic structure on the implantation day.

Modern technology allows us to install an implant and prosthetic structure in less than an hour. Preliminary planning of implantation and a prosthetic structure are necessary for this of course.

Taking into account the technique of “prosthetic driven implantation” free implant planning software ImplaStation allows us to select the optimal implant position and parameters quickly and accurately, create a surgical guide and transmit information for the individual abutments and a prosthetic structure planning.

We offer you an example of such work:

The patient complained about the unsatisfactory situation of the adhesive bridge in the 24-tooth position.

An extensive carious lesion of the supporting 25 tooth was detected and eliminated. It was also decided to install an implant in place of the missing 24 tooth. One of the main requirements of the patient is the restoration of aesthetic and chewing function in one visit in the shortest possible time. For the same reason, an adhesive structure was previously used.

After the CT scan, it was decided to install an implant with immediate loading, pre-plan and produce a surgical guide, a permanent individual abutment and a temporary crown.

Using a surgical guide in this case allowed us to:

– install the implant in a limited space between the roots of teeth 23 and 25, minimizing the risk of their damage;
– install the implant in a precisely planned position, which is necessary to prepare the design of the individual abutment and crown.

To create an individual abutment there was exported the stl file of the oral surface with a virtual scan abutment.

The exported scan was opened in the CAD design program. Scan-abatment was recognized and a virtual analogue of the implant was substituted into the corresponding position.

Focusing on the crowns of neighboring teeth and antagonists there was created a virtual crown.

The crown contour allows you to define the shape of the abutment ledge. The reduced crown determines the shape of the abutment.

The surgical guide, the individual abutment and the temporary crown were prepared before the operation according to computer planning data.

Drilling was performed according to the full protocol. The implant was installed through a surgical guide with depth control and taking into account rotational markers. Individual abutment and temporary crown.

The control CT.

Condition of soft tissues one week after surgery

What were used for the planning of the surgical guide:

  • free ImplaStation software;
  • the ExoCAD software for planning the abutment and crown;
  • CWM INNO system implant;
  • Ti-Zr hybrid abutment;
  • ProDigiDent PEEK guide bushings without gap for drills;
  • ProDigiDent universal surgical set for guided surgery.