Hybrid Implant Strategy for Oro-Nasal Communication: 2-Year Follow-Up

A case of severe peri-implantitis leading to an Oro-Nasal Communication treated by a combination of Trans-Nasal, Vomer, Zygomatic and Pterygoid implants with a Follow-up of 2 years.

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Patient referred after implant failure 4 years prior with a combination or peri-implantitis and mechanical/occlusal stress leading to bone loss and subsequent implant removal. Due to lack of adequate bone proposition we opted for a hybrid configuration utilising almost every available anchorage point , including the Z-point for trans-nasal fixture.

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An interesting aspect of this position was the absence of initial coronal bone around the Trans-Nasal implant, meaning the only anchorage and integration point was the apex of the implant.

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While unusual and unpredictable according to the originally proposed Trans-Nasal protocol a follow up of 2 years proves that a Trans-Nasal may function long-term even if the only zone of integration is the Apex of the implant in the Z-point.

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Case by Dr. Maxym Prytula